The Minerals Management Service, an agency of the Department of the Interior, was created January 19, 1982. It is responsible for the Nation's Federal Offshore leasing program as well as collection and management of all Federal and Indian mineral revenues. The Minerals Management Service is headquartered in Washington D.C. Offshore leasing activities are conducted largely through the MMS's four Outer Continental Shelf Regional Offices located in Anchorage, Alaska; Los Angeles, California; Metairie, Louisiana; and Vienna, Virginia. All onshore leasing is the responsibility of the Bureau of Land Management. Royalty and Accounting activities are conducted in Lakewood, a suburb of Denver, Colorado. Satellite offices, near principal energy development areas, augment the program. Responsibility for overseeing mineral revenue activities on Indian lands is shared by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the MMS. Indian mineral revenues, like Federal mineral revenues, are administered under the Royal Management Program but are given priority attention.