===== Terms beginning with S ===== [[Salinity]] [[Salt base mud]] [[Salt dome]] [[Salt water]] [[Saltwater disposal]] [[Saltwater mud]] [[Sample log]] [[Sample taker]] [[Sand]] [[Sand control]] [[Sand count]] [[Sand line]] [[Sandstone]] [[Saturated]] [[Saturation]] [[Saturation exponent]] [[Sawtooth SP]] [[SBR]] [[Scale]] [[Scanning electron microscope]] [[Scattered gamma ray log|Scattered gamma-ray log]] [[Schmidt diagram]] [[Scintillation]] [[Scintillation counter]] [[Screen]] [[Screen analysis]] [[Sealed reservoir]] [[Search interval]] [[Sea water]] [[Secondary porosity]] [[Secondary porosity index]] [[Secondary recovery]] [[Second curve]] [[Section gauge]] [[Sediment]] [[Sedimentary]] [[Sedimentary basin]] [[Seismic]] [[Seismic attenuation]] [[Seismic discontinuity]] [[Seismograph]] [[Selective SP]] [[Self absorption]] [[Self potential]] [[SEM]] [[SEM photomicrograph]] [[Sensitivity]] [[Separation]] [[Set casing]] [[Set pipe]] [[Shadow zone]] [[Shale]] [[Shale base line]] [[Shale membrane potential|Shale-membrane potential]] [[Shale oil]] [[Shale potential]] [[Shale shaker]] [[Shaly]] [[Shaped charge]] [[Shape factor]] [[Shear modulus]] [[Shear wave]] [[Shielded electrode]] [[Short]] [[Short normal curve]] [[Shoulder bed effect|Shoulder-bed effect]] [[Shut in]] [[Shut-in]] [[Shut in bottom-hole pressure|Shut-in bottom-hole pressure]] [[Shut in pressure|Shut-in pressure]] [[Shut in time|Shut-in-time]] [[Side bed]] [[Side door overshot|Side-door overshot]] [[Sidetrack]] [[Sidewall acoustic log]] [[Sidewall core]] [[Sidewall coring tool]] [[Sidewall epithermal neutron log]] [[Sidewall neutron log|Sidewall neutron (porosity) log]] [[Sidewall pad]] [[Sidewall sample]] [[Siliceous]] [[Sigma log]] [[Sigma unit]] [[Signal]] [[Signature log]] [[Single point resistance log|Single-point resistance log]] [[Single receiver Dt curve|Single-receiver Dt curve]] [[Sinker bar]] [[Skid]] [[Skid unit]] [[Skin]] [[Skin depth]] [[Skin effect]] [[Skin factor]] [[Skip]] [[Slant hole Express|Slant-hole Express]] [[Slim hole drilling|Slim-hole drilling]] [[Slippage velocity]] [[Slug]] [[Slug flow]] [[Small slam]] [[Snorkel]] [[Society of Petroleum Engineers]] [[Society of Professional Well Log Analysts]] [[Soft formation]] [[Soft rock]] [[Soft rock discipline]] [[Software]] [[Solution]] [[Solution gas]] [[Solution gas drive|Solution-gas drive]] [[Solution gas oil ratio|Solution gas-oil ratio]] [[Sonar]] [[Sonar caliper]] [[Sonde]] [[Sonde error]] [[Sonic log]] [[Sonic t stretch, sonic Dt stretch]] [[Sour]] [[Source]] [[SP]] [[Spacing]] [[Span]] [[SPE]] [[Specific acoustic time]] [[Specific activity]] [[Specific gravity]] [[Specific heat]] [[Spectral gamma ray log|Spectral gamma-ray log]] [[Spherically focused log]] [[Spike]] [[Spine and ribs plot|Spine-and-ribs plot]] [[Spinner]] [[Spinner survey]] [[Spontaneous potential]] [[SP reduction factor]] [[Spud]] [[Spud in]] [[Spurt loss]] [[SPWLA]] [[Squeeze cementing]] [[SSP]] [[Standard conditions]] [[Standard conditions of temperature and pressure]] [[Standard cubic foot of gas]] [[Standard deviation]] [[Standoff]] [[Stand of pipe]] [[Static]] [[Static fluid level]] [[Static mud column pressure]] [[Static spontaneous potential]] [[Static well conditions]] [[Statistical check]] [[Statistical fluctuations]] [[Statistical variations]] [[Step]] [[Step out well|Step-out well]] [[Step profile]] [[Stick plot]] [[Stimulation]] [[Stock tank barrel]] [[Stoneley wave]] [[STP]] [[Strata]] [[Stratalogs]] [[Stratification]] [[Stratigraphic trap]] [[Stratigraphy]] [[Stratum]] [[Streaming potential]] [[Stretch]] [[Strike]] [[Strip log]] [[Strip over]] [[Stripper]] [[Stripper well]] [[Structural]] [[Structural trap]] [[Stuck pipe]] [[Stuck point]] [[Stuffing box]] [[Sub]] [[Substructure]] [[Suction line]] [[Suction pit]] [[Super saturated|Super-saturated]] [[Surface casing]] [[Surface conductance]] [[Surface pipe]] [[Surface pressure]] [[Survey]] [[Survey cable]] [[Swab]] [[S wave|S-wave]] [[Sweet]] [[Symbols]] [[Syncline]] [[Synergetic]] [[Synthetic seismogram]]