SPWLA Dubai 2025
+1 713-947-8727

How to submit an abstract

The Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts

How to submit an abstract to SPWLA

This is a primer on how to submit an abstract to the SPWLA Annual Symposium. The login page can be found here: https://www.spwlaworld.org/abstract-submission/

WP Abstracts Login

First, you must have an account.  If you don’t have one it’s easy to create one – just click on the “Create an Account” link below the blue login button and follow the onscreen instructions.  All fields are required.  The email address will become your login username.

The backup email is used in case we have problems contacting you on your primary email address and we also require your mailing address for any non-digital correspondence.

Lastly, don’t forget to enter the security code and click on Register.

Now that you have an account, you can log in w/ your username and password.  You’ll also have to enter the security code.




Once in, you will be greeted w/ the Abstracts Dashboard.  From here you can create a new abstract, edit your profile or edit/delete an existing abstract.  To add a new abstract, click on the “+ New Abstract button”.

WP Abstracts Dashboard

There are 6 sections that need to be completed.  They can be done in any order and the abstract can be saved at any time for updating later.  These are the sections:

  • Abstract Information
  • Event Information
  • Author Information
  • Presenter Information
  • Additional Information
  • Terms and Conditions

Let’s review each in turn.

Abstract Information

WP Abstracts Entry

  • Enter your abstract Title
  • Enter your abstract in the main dialog box below.  You can write the text directly in to this box or cut and paste from another source (i.e. Word).  The format used is HTML so you have a lot of control w/in this box.
  • The abstract can contain up to 500 words.  Please be clear and concise.  One goal of the abstract is to convince the reviewers that they really want to read the final paper.
  • Keywords have been added to assist the VP Technology in selecting the most appropriate reviewers from the Technical Committee.  Use as many as necessary.

Event Information

  • The Event has been preselected for you but please select the appropriate Topic, Region and Category for your abstract.

Author Information

  • Please enter Name, Email and Affiliation for every author on the abstract.
  • Additional authors can be added or removed by utilizing the +/- buttons.

Presenter Information

  • Please enter Name, Email and Presentation Preference for the paper.
  • Presentation Preference’s include: Oral, Poster, Either but prefer Oral and Either but prefer Poster.

Additional Information

  • In this section please state whether the paper has been published previously or the abstract has been submitted to another symposium, conference or meeting.
  • Please also answer the follow-up questions if the answer to either of the questions is Yes.

Terms and Conditions

  • Please read the Terms and Conditions (T’s and C’s) in full and click on the “I Agree” checkbox to confirm.
  •  For completeness, the full T’s and C’s are given below:


Notification of acceptance will be made in December 2020.

If selected, your abstract will be published online on the Symposium’s website in February 2021.

You will be required to submit a draft manuscript for the Symposium transactions by Monday 15th March 2021 and your final manuscript by Monday 5th April 2021.

Any paper not submitted in finalized format by then shall be removed.

After submitting, you shall work with two members of the Technical Committee for a review of the manuscript to ensure clarity and to avoid commercialism.

For questions, please contact Stephanie Turner at SPWLA, (+1) 713-947-8727 or email stephanie@spwla.org.

NOTE TO AUTHORS: Complete a separate online form for each abstract submitted.

For multiple authors, the submission should come only from the designated corresponding author.

All abstracts and final manuscripts must be submitted in English.

We look forward to reviewing your abstracts!